How to Order?
To place an order with us, please follow these steps:
Select Your Products: Browse our collection and choose the items you wish to purchase. You can add multiple items to your cart as needed.
Proceed to Checkout: Once you’ve made your selections, click on the cart icon to review your items and proceed to the checkout page.
Enter Shipping Information: Fill in your shipping address and contact details accurately to ensure your order is delivered without issues. This includes your name, address, phone number, and email.
Submit Your Order: After reviewing your information, click the button to finalize and submit your order. You’ll receive a confirmation that your order has been created.
Order Confirmation: We will review your order details for completeness. You’ll receive an email confirming that your order is in progress.
Receive Confirmation Email: This email will contain your order number, total amount, and other relevant details. Make sure to check your inbox (and spam folder) for this important information.
Make Payment: To complete your purchase, click the secure payment link provided in the confirmation email. This will take you to a secure page where you can safely enter your credit card information.
And that’s it! Your order is now complete. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at